Retrouver du Confort. Claude Virot, psychiatre.
Retrouver du Confort. Claude Virot, psychiatre.
ZSUZSANNA NAGY & ISTVÁN FARKAS While at first glance hypnosis and meditation seem easily distinguishable by the presence of external guidance and suggestions from a hypnotist, considering self-hypnosis and guided meditation this task turns out to be much more complicated. Hypnosis and meditation have many similarities both culturally and practically. In this article our goal…
A client – responsive therapy that facilitates natural problem-solving and mind-body healing. Richard Hill & Ernest L. Rossi Crown House Publishing Limited 2017. In some way the title of this book covers the content in a nutshell. Mirroring Hands refers to a hypnotic technique, where hands are used as a start of focusing and noticing…
Noémi Balázs & Anna Leszovszki Burnout is a psychological reaction to chronic work stress that may result in serious consequences both for the individual, and for the work organisation. Consequences for the individual involve far-reaching impacts on mental and physical health, such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, common infections, musculoskeletal pain, depressive symptoms,…
Review by Balazs Nyiri As someone who is relatively new to hypnosis, I got very excited when I had the possibility to read Hypnotic Techniques for Chronic Pain Management, edited by Mark P. Jensen. This book is the second in the “Voices of Experience” (VoE) series. Let us see, what this series and this book…
Ördögh, Csilla is a psychologist and perinatal consultant, and an assistant lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Department of Affective Psychology, where she is currently a PhD student. Her research is connected to mother-baby synchrony and its interdependence with the quality of the birth experience. Dr. Katalin Varga is her supervisor of the PhD studies….