Notes from the President
Julie H. Linden, PhD
Somehow when the days get longer in this part of the hemisphere, and the weather warms, time seems to go even more quickly. Perhaps it is the quickening pulse of nature as the buds appear on tree limbs and the flowers push through the soil that creates this illusion. Time has not changed, only our experience of time. Of course, illusion is something that draws our attention as hypnotists since where one focuses (or doesn’t) is embedded in our practice of helping others. To create calm or an internal retreat may divert people from pain to comfort. Their illusion, their imagination, shifts perception and thus experience.
So permit me to divert your attention to a lovely summer’s day, a walk along the Seine with the Eiffel tower in the distance, the Louvre nearby and the smell of baguettes fresh from the oven winding into each breath. Your mind now filled with the new knowledge just garnered in a workshop, each breath integrating this learning so deeply that the smell, the sunshine and the new skill are inextricably mingled together. This experience is what awaits you at the 20th International Congress of Hypnosis — and it is no illusion! An excellent program is planned for you to feast upon. We await you in Paris.
In other news, the members of ISH are about to vote on additional buy ambien online legally By-Laws changes that address the timeline for elections and other votes, now that we are enabled to do online voting. The recommended changes approved by the ISH lawyer will clarify membership rights and voting. Please cast your vote.
The Board will soon be meeting in Orvieto, Italy. The agenda includes discussing ISH and its role in education, the COR meeting in Paris and the final preparations for the Paris congress and its one-day Hypnosis Research Update pre-conference ( The latter is an exciting innovation for ISH, supporting a way for researchers to meet, share and collaborate on their work. Marie-Elisabeth Faymonville, MD, PhD and Mark Jensen, PhD are the organizers of this new venue. While it is a by-invitation-only event, the participants are expected to produce a report from this meeting that will contribute to our scientific understanding of hypnosis and be of great value to all of us in the field.
Although illusion and imagination are priceless, we also value the reality of how we are doing as an organization. Are we serving the needs of our members? Are we advancing the practice of hypnosis? We welcome your feedback on our website, our newsletter and how the Board of Directors are doing. We continue to strive to make ISH a valued home for our members. Please take a moment to send me a note at: