Standing committees are italicized. These are Regular committees contained in the By-Laws.
Ad Hoc committees are non-italicized, and are the committees created and tasked by the Board of Directors
Awards: This committee selects and recommends the recipients of the awards (link to award descriptions?) which are announced and/or presented at the triennial congress. The committee is comprised of members who have knowledge of the experts in the field of hypnosis throughout the world. It strives to find the most deserving individuals and to have them present at the award ceremony. Not all awards are given every three years.
Congress: A Congress Committee shall be established which shall include the President of the International Society, a member of the Board of Directors of the International Society (not a member of the Host Society), as well as one of the members of the Council of Representatives of the Hosting Constituent Society.
Committee on Congress Bidding: The tasks of this committee are to secure a host society, negotiate a contract, and when asked, to serve in an advisory capacity on budgets, advertising, timetables, and other details of organizing a congress.
Credentials: This committee supports the headquarters in approving membership applications of new members, as credentials and qualifications must be verified. When someone is not a member of a constituent society, the committee may consult with the CS in that country of the applicant or experts from the respective country to evaluate the application. Sometimes the applicant must be contacted directly.
Education and Training: The Education and Training Committee aims to clarify the role of ISH in establishing minimum guidelines for training. It also aims to make recommendations for organizing and implementing training events in clinical and experimental hypnosis worldwide.
Committee on Ethical Practices: This Committee, consisting of not less than three members, shall receive ethical complaints against members, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors, according to Article III, Section 6.
Executive Committee: According to Article X, Section 1, The President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Council of Representative President, shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors (the “Executive Committee”). The Executive Committee may meet at such times as it may choose on notice to all by any two of its own number, or as directed by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to address any issues affecting the International Society that might require immediate consideration, but are not deemed significant enough by the Board of Directors to require a special meeting of the Board of Directors. The primary role of the Executive Committee is advisory; that is, they would be expected to develop recommendations for the Board of Directors to consider addressing the issue(s) under consideration.
Finance Committee: Per ISH policy adopted 2012, this committee is comprised of the Secretary/Treasurer (chair), president, president elect, USA administrator, and Association Manager. The finance committee tasks include ongoing oversight of the financial status of ISH accounts to ensure monitoring of appropriate use of ISH funds and making recommendations to the ISH Board of Directors regarding the amounts of membership dues.
History: This is an ad hoc committee that was formed to collect and preserve information about the ISH that is of historical importance and of archival interest. It has posted a brief description of the ISH history on the website, and archived all the past ISH newsletters. It has also gathered photos of past presidents as well as documents and photos of past congresses. Occasionally, the Newsletter Editor has posted items from the past newsletters that may be of interest to our members.
Membership: This committee oversees the care and expansion of both individual and constituent society membership.
Committee on Nominations & Elections: This is a Standing Committee of the Board, per Article X, Section 2a. Its Chair is the Immediate Past President as defined in the ISH By-Laws, and the Board of Directors serves as the remainder of the committee.
Committee on Nominations and Elections. The Board of Directors shall be the Committee for Nominations and Elections and the immediate Past-President of the Society shall be the Chair of this Committee. This Committee shall provide nominees and conduct elections in accordance with Article VII, Section 4.
Past Presidents Committee: The Past Presidents may serve in an advisory capacity when invited to do so by the Board of Directors. Per Article VIII, Section 2: All former past presidents, having served as immediate Past-President, shall be non-voting members of the Board of Directors (unless eligible to vote by virtue of holding another office.)
Policy and Procedures: This is an ad hoc committee that recommends, stores and dates policies instituted by the Board of Directors. It compiled and oversees the Policy and Procedure handbook for the ISH.
Committee on Publications: This Committee, consisting of not less than three members, shall supervise the publications policies of the International Society and make recommendations to the Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions of Article XI.
Research: The Research committee develops and oversees projects related to the support of hypnosis research worldwide. Most recently, it initiated and facilitated the pre-ISH World Congress 1-day research symposium held in 2015 in Paris. It is also helping to facilitate a similar 1-day pre-World Congress research symposium to be held in 2018 in Montreal.
Social Media: This ad hoc committee is charged with exploring the links to social media from the ISH website, and ways to utilize social media to foster membership and congress registration.
Standards Committee: This ad hoc committee is charged with establishing written standards for membership, participation in training, and hypnosis education.
Website: This is an ad hoc committee that manages the website for the ISH. It recommends additions, changes, and updates to the website so that it can communicate effectively with the membership and the public.