October 28, 2012 COR meeting minutes (pdf)
August 27, 2015 COR meeting minutes (pdf)
June 19, 2021 COR meeting minutes (pdf)
The Council of Representatives (COR) consists of 2 representatives from each of the member Constituent Societies in good standing. Each representative is chosen by their CS, and is expected to serve a 3-year term, from one ISH triennial congress to the next.
The Constituent Society and the representatives must be ISH members to participate in the COR. Some CS’s appoint their representatives, some elect them, some choose to have their president be one of the representatives. Each CS may determine its means for choosing its CS Representative to the ISH COR.
As the name suggests, the COR represents the membership in matters referred to it by the Board of Directors (BOD), or in matters referred to it by petition signed by 20 members in good standing, except that the right of voting for ISH officers is reserved for individual members.
There are three critical roles of the COR representatives:
First, the COR representatives select additional at-large (non-elected officers) members of the Board of Directors of ISH. This is done at the ISH triennial meeting. The BOD determines what that number of additional members, but will be no fewer than 6 nor more than 11.
Second, the COR representatives participate in the election of ISH officers. Specifically, the representatives are asked to submit candidates for the elected officers of the ISH Board of Directors, no later than 8 months prior to the start of the next ISH triennial congress.
Third, the COR representatives assist in the bids for future congresses; they are asked to explore whether their CS would be interested in bidding for the next triennial ISH congress.
There are three officers of the COR, a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary. These COR officers are elected from among the COR’s members during the ISH Triennial congress.
The COR is required by the ISH By-Laws to meet once during each triennial congress. In addition, when possible, the COR may meet during the ESH congress.
The COR is described in the Article IX of the ISH By-Laws.
The procedure for the COR meeting, agenda, and elections are described in the Procedure for the Council of Representative Meetings.