Hypnosis for sleeping disorders April 13, 2020ISH Administratorcovid-19, covid19, general healthcare communication, hypnosis, reduce stress, source of comfort Chenggang Jiang
Trance Grippe Atem (Trance Flu Breathing) April 13, 2020ISH Administratorcovid-19, hypnosis, reduce stress, source of comfort, Trance Bernhard Trenkle
Die Löwengeschichte (The story of the lion) April 13, 2020ISH Administratorcovid-19, hypnosis, reduce stress Bernhard Trenkle Dipl.Psych., Dipl.Wi.-Ing.
Hypnotic suggestions for keeping hope, refreshment and dealing with Covid 19 April 13, 2020ISH Administratorcovid-19, covid19, general healthcare communication, hypnosis, reduce stress, source of comfort Trance in English MD Mehdi Fathi