Dr. Katalin Varga will be president-elect 2024-2027 and Dr. Enayat Shahidi will continue to be Secretary/Treasurer 2024-2027
There is a healthy space between uncomfy and relief:
Symptomatic and resourceful part in cooperation by applying Ego State Therapy and clinical hypnosis
By Inga Nowak-Dusza, MSc
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
17:00 – 20:00 CET
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Hypnosis resources for people and colleagues in difficult times

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ISH Blog
The International Society of Hypnosis introduced a blog where the board members and colleagues all around the world share their expertise and self-care trances.
Oct 2024
I am beginning to write this first presidential letter with very intense emotions. Similarly strong emotions are accompanying the start of my service as an ISH President. I listen to words of our motto ‘Building Bridges of understanding’ and search for answers to important questions about the mission of our organisation.
Having in mind Claude Virot’s words – our ISH President in the years 2015-2018 ‘Everything we do today is oriented towards future’ I ask myself where are we now?

Offer for Students
ISH is offering free non-voting membership to master level and above students in Dentistry, Medicine and Psychology.

Dr. Katalin Varga will be president-elect 2024-2027 and Dr. Enayat Shahidi will continue to be Secretary/Treasurer 2024-2027
(click to download)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Hypnosis resources for people and colleagues in difficult times

Quick Links
ISH Blog
The International Society of Hypnosis introduced a blog where the board members and colleagues all around the world share their expertise and self-care trances.
April 2024
Looking forward to seeing you at the ISH World Congress in June
My primary message in this letter to all ISH members – and any future ISH members who provide clinical care or conduct research using hypnosis – is this: Please register for and plan participate in the 2024 ISH World Congress in Kraków, Poland, this coming June. It promises to be a very special and memorable event, in a very special and memorable city.

Offer for Students
ISH is offering free non-voting membership to master level and above students in Dentistry, Medicine and Psychology.